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Addiction Hotlines

Alabama - (205) 210-4979
Alaska - (907) 268-4185
Arizona - (480) 478-0599
Arkansas - (479) 439-8040
California - (209) 230-9522
Colorado - (719) 694-2623
Connecticut - (203) 274-8989
Delaware - (302) 279-4355
DC - (202) 509-9590
Florida - (305) 459-3878
Georgia - (229) 255-2090
Idaho - (208) 228-0532
Illinois - (312) 638-9896
Indiana - (219) 228-7817
Iowa - (712) 266-3564
Kansas - (316) 448-0320
Kentucky - (270) 200-4263
Louisiana - (225) 302-8948
Maine - (207) 272-2285
Maryland - (240) 206-6285
Mass - (413) 306-3232
Michigan - (231) 225-9273
Minnesota - (218) 206-8310
Mississippi - (228) 207-0001
Missouri - (417) 429-4943
Montana - (406) 203-4815
Nebraska - (402) 261-2757
Nevada - (702) 302-4127
NH - (603) 509-3985
New Jersey - (201) 293-0022
New Mexico - (505) 216-2904
New York - (315) 371-4777
NC - (252) 364-3119
ND - (701) 205-1953
Ohio - (216) 370-7847
Oklohoma - (405) 217-0670
Oregon - (503) 406-2408
Penn - (267) 244-9226
RI - (401) 256-5113
SC - (803) 675-5084
SD - (605) 370-5086
Tennessee - (276) 644-2008
Texas - (210) 319-4417
Utah - (435) 227-3306
Vermont - (802) 277-3348
Virginia - (540) 266-3116
Washington - (206) 452-5501
WV - (304) 982-7023
Wisconsin - (262) 347-3369
Wyoming - (307) 222-0116

Drugs and Alcohol Addiction is a universal problem. There are several ways to overcome it.

Drug Addiction Treatment, Drug and Alcohol Rehabs Recovery and Abuse

While powder cocaine is readily obtainable throughout California, crack cocaine is available mainly in the urban areas. Mexican black tar heroin is the most prevalent form of heroin in the state. Mexican brown powder, South American, Southeast Asian, and Southwest Asian heroin are also available.

California Addiction Support Hotlines
A1 Suboxone Facility
(909) 587-5590
LA Heroin Addiction & Counseling Center
(213) 674-4373
Addiction Detox Facility
(209) 580-6121
Lawsom Detox Rehab
(530) 564-1066
Alcohol & Drug Addiction El Monte
(619) 754-9833
Lifestyle Addiction Rehab
(408) 361-3057
All-Inclusive Addiction Rehab Center
(925) 215-4798
LT Center For Teens
(714) 912-9699
Body and Soul Alcoholism Therapy Center
(619) 754-9828
Maddison Rehab Facility
(562) 206-0687
Callen Intervention
(707) 623-1754
National Eating Disorder Recovery Center
(760) 592-0550
Calm Meadows
(213) 908-1106
New Life Heroin Dependency Centre
(925) 705-4598
Carnage Individual & Family Therapy
(415) 738-7993
Obsessive Gaming Counseling Facility
(818) 485-2969
Center-4 Successful Rehab
(949) 207-7245
OpenView Center
(626) 478-3600
Cocaine Group Support and Treatment Center
(559) 408-5468
Personal Fulfillment Recovery
(760) 429-7770
Combating Substance Abuse
(805) 416-2556
Peyton Group Rehab
(626) 626-7979
Compulsive Gamblers Behavior Therapy
(619) 600-5016
Pine Hill Intervention
(323) 454-2213
CVC Rehab
(661) 735-4405
Priceless Life Eating Disorder Institute
(909) 587-5546
Deadly Addictions Treatment Center
(858) 461-6838
RD Net Therapy
(626) 498-2948
Essense 12-Step Recovery
(951) 547-1649
Re-Discover Yourself Center
(951) 327-6104
Facing Challenges & Rediscover
(951) 710-6441
Recovery Treatment Center
(209) 230-9522
Family Cocaine Addiction Recovery Institute
(562) 219-4524
Renewed Body Treatment Center
(805) 248-7272
First-Step Recovery
(213) 493-6395
Renewed Life Addiction Center
(408) 773-6244
Freedom Treatment Facility
(559) 478-2037
Renowned Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Center
(619) 569-1716
Frontier Treatment
(707) 220-8382
Serene And Therapeutic Holistic Center
(909) 587-5564
FYM Meditation Center
(650) 472-3005
Springston Treatment
(760) 316-9505
Green Hill Recovery
(562) 219-4511
Sunnydale Center
(661) 200-0773
Groceman Counseling Centre.
(323) 306-5688
Surviving Alcoholism Center
(818) 334-2808
Heal and Live Rehab
(818) 239-4599
Tangers Counseling Center
(760) 488-9466
Healthy Living Eating Disorder Facility
(619) 259-5501
TG Magellan LLC
(714) 503-0766
Hopes AA-NA Therapy Center
(559) 389-7022
Therapeutic Addiction Recovery
(323) 892-2257
Intensive-Support Center
(916) 706-0530
Wegscheyder Behavioral Therapy
(408) 457-1891
Keenon Intervention Group
(760) 553-9495
Windom CBT Therapy
(909) 693-5244
La Habra Counceling
(562) 206-0683

The most widely available and most commonly used illicit drug in California is Marijuana. California-produced marijuana is usually preferred because of its availability and high THC contents. High purity Canadian-produced marijuana is also available in some parts of the state.

Methamphetamine, produced in Mexico and California, is considered to be the most significant drug threat to the state and is readily available throughout all parts of California. MDMA is usually sold and used at nightclubs, raves, schools, colleges, private parties, and open-air markets. LSD is readily available in suburban middle and high schools as well as on college campuses. Hydrocodone and oxycodone are diverted, distributed, and abused throughout the state.

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2002-2003), 1.88% of California citizens reported past year dependence on illicit drugs. During the 2003-2004 school year, 38.7% of 11th graders reported lifetime marijuana use and 19.8% reported current use of marijuana.

Alcohol Abuse

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2003), around 51% of the California population (aged 12 or older) reported the past month use of alcohol. More than 15% of the people in the age group of 12-17 years and around 56% in the age group of 18-25 years reported using alcohol past month. Among people of the age group 26 years or older, the rate is more than 55%.

In the survey, more than 21% of Californians showed binge alcohol use and more than 45% reported perceptions of great risk of having five or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage once or twice a week. In the age group of 12-17, past month binge alcohol use is around more than 9%. In the state, 7.22% of the total population showed alcohol dependence or abuse in past year.

Any resident of California who would like to visit drug and alcohol treatment center can get help professional help round the clock; just call 800-559-9503. We will get back to you. You can also fill our online form to reach us. For a loved one, or for yourself, do this NOW!

Call us any time toll free at 1-800-559-9503 for addiction intervention and
one of our trained counselors will ensure attention to you or your loved one.
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Drug and alcohol addiction treatment and rehabilitation resources for recovery.
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