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Addiction Hotlines

Alabama - (205) 210-4979
Alaska - (907) 268-4185
Arizona - (480) 478-0599
Arkansas - (479) 439-8040
California - (209) 230-9522
Colorado - (719) 694-2623
Connecticut - (203) 274-8989
Delaware - (302) 279-4355
DC - (202) 509-9590
Florida - (305) 459-3878
Georgia - (229) 255-2090
Idaho - (208) 228-0532
Illinois - (312) 638-9896
Indiana - (219) 228-7817
Iowa - (712) 266-3564
Kansas - (316) 448-0320
Kentucky - (270) 200-4263
Louisiana - (225) 302-8948
Maine - (207) 272-2285
Maryland - (240) 206-6285
Mass - (413) 306-3232
Michigan - (231) 225-9273
Minnesota - (218) 206-8310
Mississippi - (228) 207-0001
Missouri - (417) 429-4943
Montana - (406) 203-4815
Nebraska - (402) 261-2757
Nevada - (702) 302-4127
NH - (603) 509-3985
New Jersey - (201) 293-0022
New Mexico - (505) 216-2904
New York - (315) 371-4777
NC - (252) 364-3119
ND - (701) 205-1953
Ohio - (216) 370-7847
Oklohoma - (405) 217-0670
Oregon - (503) 406-2408
Penn - (267) 244-9226
RI - (401) 256-5113
SC - (803) 675-5084
SD - (605) 370-5086
Tennessee - (276) 644-2008
Texas - (210) 319-4417
Utah - (435) 227-3306
Vermont - (802) 277-3348
Virginia - (540) 266-3116
Washington - (206) 452-5501
WV - (304) 982-7023
Wisconsin - (262) 347-3369
Wyoming - (307) 222-0116

Drugs and Alcohol Addiction is a universal problem. There are several ways to overcome it.
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Call us any time toll free at 1-800-559-9503 for addiction intervention and
one of our trained counselors will ensure attention to you or your loved one.
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Drug and alcohol addiction treatment and rehabilitation resources for recovery.