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Alabama - (205) 210-4979
Alaska - (907) 268-4185
Arizona - (480) 478-0599
Arkansas - (479) 439-8040
California - (209) 230-9522
Colorado - (719) 694-2623
Connecticut - (203) 274-8989
Delaware - (302) 279-4355
DC - (202) 509-9590
Florida - (305) 459-3878
Georgia - (229) 255-2090
Idaho - (208) 228-0532
Illinois - (312) 638-9896
Indiana - (219) 228-7817
Iowa - (712) 266-3564
Kansas - (316) 448-0320
Kentucky - (270) 200-4263
Louisiana - (225) 302-8948
Maine - (207) 272-2285
Maryland - (240) 206-6285
Mass - (413) 306-3232
Michigan - (231) 225-9273
Minnesota - (218) 206-8310
Mississippi - (228) 207-0001
Missouri - (417) 429-4943
Montana - (406) 203-4815
Nebraska - (402) 261-2757
Nevada - (702) 302-4127
NH - (603) 509-3985
New Jersey - (201) 293-0022
New Mexico - (505) 216-2904
New York - (315) 371-4777
NC - (252) 364-3119
ND - (701) 205-1953
Ohio - (216) 370-7847
Oklohoma - (405) 217-0670
Oregon - (503) 406-2408
Penn - (267) 244-9226
RI - (401) 256-5113
SC - (803) 675-5084
SD - (605) 370-5086
Tennessee - (276) 644-2008
Texas - (210) 319-4417
Utah - (435) 227-3306
Vermont - (802) 277-3348
Virginia - (540) 266-3116
Washington - (206) 452-5501
WV - (304) 982-7023
Wisconsin - (262) 347-3369
Wyoming - (307) 222-0116

Drugs and Alcohol Addiction is a universal problem. There are several ways to overcome it.
Detoxification helps...

By encompassing the mind, body and spirit of the individual, we offer a distinctive approach to Alcoholism/Drug Treatment at prices within your means price. Our approach to Drug Rehab/Alcohol Rehab has it's foundation in self-esteem and consideration. By addressing individual needs through a range of holistic Addiction Interventions, we help you achieve your specific goal. Merging traditional therapeutic Addiction Treatment with holistic rehabilitation, we make sure that we cure not only substance abuse and addiction, but also the causative factors of this subtle malady.

Substance abuse causes extreme changes in the chemical balances of our brain and body. Thus the first priority is detoxification from toxins and their by-product. Support and medical supervision during the first few hours or days of abstinence, when withdrawal is physically overwhelming and dangerous is just one of the many reasons why someone would entrust their or their loved one's life into our able hands. Our services are the best in addiction treatment at both the human and institutional levels as we help our patients discover the causal reasons for their masochistic and sadistic abuse.

The individual's mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met when the addict as well as his family-the ones who bore the brunt of his Alcoholism/Drug Abuse are treated. Tender professional devotion being characteristic of our Addiction Treatment and holistic counseling, we also provide you with a support program to prevent relapses.

Our holistic approaches to Drug Abuse and alcoholism give people their lives back everyday. Starting with a gentle thorough detoxification we reduce stress and improve mental and physical well being to regain personal balance. Once stable and comfortable, holistic Addiction Treatment ways of cleansing the body thoroughly using herbs, vitamins, steam baths, whirlpool massage and acupuncture ensure that the clarity of mind, body, and spirit is regained. A renewed vigor visits the body making the whole process worthwhile and fills us with hope.

Having undergone a psychological evaluation, the patient is taken through detoxification and continuation of primary care on an intensive level with individual and family therapy, lectures, balanced nutrition, fitness activities, meditation and spirituality, bio-feedback, acupuncture, recreation and fun, vocational and educational assistance, and job placement, and liaisons with courts and probation officers...As you can see, we are with you every step of the way!

These therapeutic healthy activities relieve boredom, restlessness, and anxiety-the key reasons for relapse. Stress and anxiety being released, we have an integrated approach designed for long term triumph over chemical dependence. By providing life building skills, we encourage life without support on chemicals. Alternative medicine ensures long lasting effects and permanent repair.

Combining the fields of psychology and addiction treatment, we apply a holistic approach that includes the family as well as the patient. Contact us for a guided addiction intervention as well as addiction treatment in the form of Alcohol Detox, Drug Rehab/Alcohol Rehab and Alcoholism Treatment/Drug Treatment. Holistic practitioners, we guarantee you compassionate, competent professionals who counsel you enthusiastically through out the journey from the tormenting world of drug addiction into a satisfying, conscientious lifestyle far away from the world of drugs.

Addiction Resources:
Drug Rehab
Dual Diagnosis
Heroin Addiction
Cocaine Addiction
Crystal Meth Addiction
Addiction Support
Addiction Recovery
Call us any time toll free at 1-800-559-9503 for addiction intervention and
one of our trained counselors will ensure attention to you or your loved one.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Reference
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