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Alabama - (205) 210-4979
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WV - (304) 982-7023
Wisconsin - (262) 347-3369
Wyoming - (307) 222-0116

Drugs and Alcohol Addiction is a universal problem. There are several ways to overcome it.
Ultram Addiction

Ultram, brand name of the generic drug Tramadol, is an analgesic. This is a very effective pain reliever. Ultram binds to certain opiod pain receptors in the body, resulting in pain relief. It acts like a narcotic to redress pain, but it is not a narcotic. Still its potential for abuse and addiction cannot be under rated.

Effects of Ultram

If overdosed upon patients will have a tendency to seizures. Epileptic patients also can increase the risk of seizure if Tramadol is used simultaneously with tricyclic antidepressants. Nausea, constipation, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, vomiting, skin rash, itching, seizures, hallucinations, cold and clammy skin, low body temperature, slowed breathing, slowed heartbeat, lightheadedness, deep sleep, and loss of consciousness are the symptoms commonly experienced if Ultram is consumed in over dose. Long-term use can lead to addiction. Withdrawal symptoms occur if stopped suddenly.

Symptoms of Ultram addiction

Tramadol is reported to have damaged thinking and physical abilities required for driving or operating machinery. Tramadol mixed with alcohol or anesthetic agents can damage breathing organs. It is better for patients with a history of opiate addiction or hypersensitivity to opiate medications to avoid taking Ultram.


Physical and psychological detoxification and similar ground work combined with residential alcohol and drug rehabilitation program, and behavioral counseling approaches are needed to achieve total freedom from drugs.

Call us any time toll free at 1-800-559-9503 for addiction intervention and
one of our trained counselors will ensure attention to you or your loved one.
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Drug and alcohol addiction treatment and rehabilitation resources for recovery.